Nowadays, smartphones have reached everyone's hands. Whenever you go with a smartphone, it is a matter of taking a photo with it.
Camera Shoot
You don't even have to have a professional camera for a good photo. Professional level photography can also be done from the camera of the smartphone. But it does require information about the camera's features and technology.

Today we are telling you about such camera mode, with the help of which you can select the right mode according to the environment and take a good photo.

HDR Mode
You can get HDR mode feature even in today's cheap smartphones. The full form of HDR is High Dynamic Range. With its help you can make the photo better. When you take a photo from HDR mode, the camera captures many photos at once. In which all the photos are taken at different exposures. With the help of software, the camera of a smartphone combines all those pictures to create a photo with good color and contrast.

Panorama Mode
If you want to capture a very wide area or a very tall scene in a photo, you can use this mode. If your phone does not have Panorama mode, you can download a separate app for it from Google Play Store. When you select panorama mode on the camera, you will see a box on the screen. Which has arrows all around. Hold down the button below and slowly rotate the camera of the smartphone in the direction you want to capture. By doing this, the camera takes photos one by one and finally prepares the same big photo.

Portrait Mode
Nowadays, the portrait mode is used a lot to highlight a certain object (object, object or person captured in a photo) in the camera of a smartphone. You must have seen the background blurry photos on social media. Your smartphone has two cameras on the back, one with high resolution effects and the other with low resolution. Lately, more quad (four) camera setup has been appearing in fashion. The reason for having more than one camera together is to give an attractive effect to the photo. Which also has a portrait and bokeh effect. When taking photos in this mode, the background itself becomes blurred and the focus is on the subject. It is not necessary to have two cameras in a smartphone to take this kind of photo here. Because even a single camera can create this kind of effect. So a dual lens camera is required for portrait mode in a smartphone. Telephoto lenses are used for depth mapping.

Time Lapse
Time Lapse is a photography and videography technology that captures many different photos in one place. The software on the smartphone combines those photos to create a video. Time lapse means reducing time. We can use this feature when we want to limit the number of hours of events or scenes in a location to a few seconds. Time Lapse Video is a collection of thousands of photos taken in a single frame for hours. To create a simple video, the camera adds 24 to 50 photos per second, while the time lapse video has the same number of photos for a few seconds. Nowadays time lapse video feature has come in many smartphones. If your phone does not have this feature, you can download related apps like FrameLapse, LapseIt.

Burst Mode
Burst mode is also called sports mode or continuous high speed mode. It takes a lot of photo shoots in a very short time. You can use this mode when you want to shoot a motion picture or action. The thing to keep in mind is that too many shots can cause your storage to become full. As a solution, you can delete the remaining duplicate photos by selecting the appropriate photo.

Automatic Mode
In this mode, the camera automatically adjusts the light, focus and color according to the subject and background.

Face and Smile Detection Mode
If you turn it on, it makes it clean and clear by focusing on the face on the automatic roof while taking a picture. At the same time, in smile detection, there is auto focus on the smiling or smiling face.

Night Mode
You probably already know this mode from its name. This mode is ideal for taking pictures at night. The shutter speed is greatly reduced. So that a lot of light can go inside and the picture looks clear and good. Flash also plays an important role in this.

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