Today we are moving in the online world, which is a gift of information technology. In general, it has made people feel comfortable. But, at the same time, it is adding challenges to our lives.
Connecting to the online world, today we are being targeted by cyber criminals every moment. Some are even becoming victims of cyber attacks. There are a number of things that need to be taken care of to avoid possible cyber attacks. We also need to develop some of these habits, which help to protect against cyber attacks. In this context, here we are giving information about the good habits for cyber security.

Don't leave your mobile, tablet, laptop / desktop computer unattended as much as possible, keep it locked if you have to leave.

Keep strong passwords (digits, letters: Lower & Upper case, more than 10 characters with symbols) and change the password regularly.

Don't share your password, OTP, PIN code with anyone. Also keep password, OTP, PIN code safe.

In addition to your account (Email Account, Social Media, Facebook, Mobile Banking App, etc.) use at least one more authentication medium such as mobile number, your email, fingerprint multi-factor authentication.

Don't click on suspicious links. Also, do not visit unsafe websites and do not download and install Freeware / Pirated Contents / Software.

Regularly update the operating system / application software / antivirus. Also, let's scan your device regularly.

Let's not do financial transactions using public Wi-Fi and public computers etc.

Keep regular backups of your important and sensitive data.

Do not use USB drive / pen drive etc. found on your computer without scanning it.

Only dispose your old computer, mobile, pen drive etc. after deleting data.

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